martedì 11 febbraio 2014

TSM: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V5.5 End of Support EOS 04/30/2014

Software withdrawal and service discontinuance (EOS): IBM Tivoli and IBM Security selected products

IBM United States Withdrawal Announcement 913-063
April 9, 2013
5608-ISM  IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V5.5                                04/30/2014
5608-ISX  IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition V5.5      04/30/2014


lunedì 10 febbraio 2014


Resolving the problem

Key 08 means blank check
ASC=00, ASCQ=05 means EOD.
Above I/O error indicates an EOD is encountered when TSM tries to locate data on the tape. This can happen when reclamation or restore is reading from a volume which had been overwritten. This can be caused by a tape being used by used by more than one TSM server in a library sharing environment.
Below steps can be used to correct the problem volumes:
1: Identify the problem volumes
2: Update the access of all problem volumes to readonly to prevent new data being written to the problem volumes, i.e,

lunedì 23 dicembre 2013

ANR2678e return code 499

The problem is with the windows non-unicode applications configuration. DB2 9.5 supports the english (united states) and spanish (españa) for non-unicode applications. In latinamerica generaly the deployment enginieers have in their the Virtual Machines or Windows servers the configuration different to english (united states) or spanish (españa) in the non-unicode applications. This is the problem, DB2 cannot create the TSM database and show the following error:

ANR0367W The server failed to format... database already exists.

Technote (troubleshooting)


After a failed initialisation of the Tivoli Storage Manager Server, the second attempt may fail with ANR0367W The server failed to format the database TSMDB1. This database name already exists.


After a failed initialisation of a new Tivoli Storage Manager Server, the second attempt may fail with the following:
Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX
Version 6, Release 1, Level 2.0

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